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Insights from Dr. Wilbur

We are very pleased to bring you medical advice and expertise from Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director. Check back often as we will periodically update this page with important medical updates that may impact your school and district.

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Hello, Neffy!

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

The FDA has approved the first-ever nasal spray equivalent of an Epi-pen. This intra-nasal epinephrine, called “Neffy“, has several advantages over traditional interventions for allergen exposure. It’s small, easy to use, and perhaps most importantly, is not a needle-based delivery mechanism. Interestingly, it also has a shelf life of 30 months, whereas injectors need to be refilled every 12-18 months. 

Are New Year’s Resolutions Realistic?

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

A “New Year, New You?” temptation is alluring, and we all tend to try to reinvent ourselves as the calendar page flips from December to January. Sadly, studies show that almost half of our resolutions are abandoned by the end of the first month of the year. 

Pre-Holiday Ramp-up

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

As the holidays approach, kids eagerly anticipate family gatherings and presents, while adults juggle hosting, shopping, and other seasonal demands. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but here are some tips to stay balanced and enjoy the magic of the season.

Lose the Winter Blues

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

The holidays are a magical time of year, but they are also incredibly stressful. The demands placed on our time and finances are significant, and can take a toll on our physical and mental health. The good news is there are ways to mitigate these stressors. Here are some tips to help you survive this holiday season.

Winter Break Brain Freeze

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Much has been written about learning loss over summer vacation that necessitates weeks (if not months) of review to regain lost ground at the start of the school year in the fall. “Keep young minds active and engaged during the holiday season with these fun and educational tips!”

Practicing Gratitude

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director
The chilly fall weather heralds the approach of the Thanksgiving holiday, reminding us that gratitude doesn’t have to be only a seasonal practice. Studies reveal that demonstrating appreciation as a way of self-improvement can translate into lots of health benefits including a stronger immune system, better sleep, improved emotional coping mechanisms, and decreased feelings of anxiety and depression.

October is Ohio’s School Safety Month

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director
Ohio designated October as “Ohio School Safety Month“. Our schools need some attention to this topic. As of last month, the US has seen 58 school shootings so far this year. Of these, 14 were on college campuses and 44 were on the grounds of K-12 schools. These incidents have left nearly 100 victims dead or injured.

National Suicide Prevention 

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for high-school aged youth, after accidents.  The CDC reports that nearly 50,000 people died by suicide in 2022; That’s one death by suicide every 11 minutes. While it’s fair to say that teen suicide is a current health crisis, fortunately it can be prevented.  Raising awareness of the ever-present suicide risk helps to foster an environment where individuals who are suffering know that they can find help.

New COVID Vaccines for Fall 2024

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recently approved an updated COVID vaccine for administration this fall and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is recommending it for everyone six months of age and older.   

Cell Phones in Schools

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

The debate over whether or not students should be allowed to use their cell phones throughout the school day is intense.  

Preventing Summer Learning Loss

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

According to Dr. Wilbur, summer leaning loss, also known as “the summer slide”, describes what happens to children over the summer break from school.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

The theme for 2024 is “Look around, look within.” Dr. Wilbur shines a spotlight on mental health issues in the hopes of destigmatizing these diagnoses and supporting those in need.

The skin you’re in

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Skin conditions can be confusing. Dr. Wilbur covers a number of common dermatologic findings and discusses their causes, associated symptoms, and treatments.

In case of emergency

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Would you know how to respond in an emergency medical situation?

In times of crisis, quick thinking and knowing what to do can make all the difference. 

Vaping guidance

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Dr. Wilbur breaks down the complex world of vaping – from the anatomy of a vape pen to adolescent brain development.

Separation anxiety in children

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

As the school year gets underway, we start the weekday routine of saying goodbye as parents leave for work and children leave for school. For some, however, this parting of ways and the time leading up to it can be paralyzingly scary.

What’s new in COVID boosters?

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

The FDA has approved an emergency use authorization for a new bivalent booster shot to aid in the fight against COVID-19. Here’s what you need to know about these new vaccines.

Debunking Medical Myths

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Does cold weather make you sick? Are ear infections contagious? Dr. Wilbur debunks common  medical myths – and confirms others!

Should you be worried about cardiac arrest with your child?

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Many parents have begun to wonder if they should be worried about cardiac arrest with their student athletes. Dr. Wilbur discusses the facts behind this statistical rarity.

Screen time in pediatrics

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Dr. Wilbur weighs in on screen time – it isn’t all bad, but it isn’t all good either.

COVID-19 Vaccine Education

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Dr. Wilbur provides a brief tutorial of COVID-vaccine terminology and debunks some of the more dangerous myths surrounding the vaccine’s rollout.

The complexities of diabetes management

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Diabetes in school-aged children is not an uncommon finding. Dr. Wilbur examines the complexities of diabetes management in children and adolescents.

Lyme (and other tick borne) diseases

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

Warmer weather has means more ticks and increased cases of Lyme disease. Dr. Wilbur discusses Lyme disease symptoms, treatments, preventions and more.

Vaping: What you need to know

Dr. Carly Wilbur, UH Pediatrician and PSI Medical Director

A brief overview on the rise of vaping and what we can expect in the future.