Dr. Scott Poland gives some practical advice on grief
In the wake of the tragic events that occurred in Orlando, many people are dealing with grief. You do not have to be directly involved with this incident, as seeing it on the news and hearing about it can bring up a person’s own life experiences, and with it, a sense of grief and despair. To help, Dr. Scott Poland,
A PSI Expert Partner and a professor in Nova Southeastern University ‘s Psychology Department, has put together some “tips” to help people deal with their grief as well as how parents should help their children understand these senseless acts.
Dr. Poland is also a nationally recognized expert on school crisis, youth violence, suicide intervention, self-injury, school safety, threat assessment, parenting and the delivery of psychological services in schools. Poland is a founding member of the National Emergency Assistance Team for the National Association of School Psychologists and serves as the Prevention Director for the American Association of Suicidology. He has led multiple national crisis teams following numerous school shootings and suicides and served as the team leader of the crisis response team sent to Jefferson County Public Schools during the aftermath of the Columbine High School shootings.
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