Kahoot it!!!!

The following is an article written by Dorinda Contreras describing the use of fun teaching tool
that can be applied to many of the PSI discipline areas…

How do I Kahoot it? My Glory! What is a Kahoot? How can I use it in my classroom? Will it be so complicated I will just say, “What the Kahoot! It looks like fun, but it is far too complicated for me!”  Well, in an effort to integrate technology into my classes, I have begun to use Kahoot. If you are unfamiliar with Kahoot, let me introduce one of the most interactive learning platforms I have seen yet. Kahoot offers a free, understandable way to produce quizzes and discussion for classes.


Students participate and compete using individual computers and the teacher’s computer or smart board. Kahoot quizzes appear as a game show where students must guess the answer within a limited amount of time. There is fabulous music and a ticking that adds to the suspense. There is immediate feedback showing who was correct, who earned the most points, and of course, most importantly from the student perspective, who is in the lead. All of this leads to laughs, groans, and unsuspected learning!

Kahoot can be used to review already taught idioms and grammar structures such as the past participle. Vocabulary can be taught through the use of uploaded clip art and photos.

Students get involved and excited. I have seen students so excited they are on their feet as if it were a Wii or Playstation game! Students I have never seen move or respond are on their feet and excited about learning. In my end of the year evaluation students were asked to draw or write about something they enjoyed in ESL class. The vast majority mentioned Kahoot as a way they had enjoyed class, but had learned at the same time. It was a great way to end the year. While all the other classes were boring and sitting watching movies, ESL students were having a blast learning to the end thanks to Kahoot!

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